Code of Ethics

The YBL Code of Ethics has been developed to give its players, coaches and personnel a guide as to how they are expected to carry themselves at all Yawkey League games and events. It is expected that everyone has a constant high level of respect for the game of baseball, teammates, opponents, officials and League officers. This will help ensure that the atmosphere at all games and events will reflect positively on the entire Yawkey Baseball League and its benefactors.

Folks who do not exemplify the high level of expectations described here may be subject to ejection, suspension, fine and even expulsion from the Yawkey Baseball League.

Integrity, Respect and Sportsmanship will rule the day.

I wish you the very best of luck this season and I hope your experience in the Yawkey Baseball League is a positive one.

Dave McKay, President Yawkey Baseball League


The YBL Code of Ethics has been developed in order to help create a guideline as to the behavior that is expected of all Yawkey Baseball League participants. All YBL participants are expected to show respect to players, coaches, officials, personnel and fans at all times at any YBL game or event. Being a part of the YBL is a privilege provided by League officers and League benefactors and not something to which any individual is automatically entitled.

The COE is developed for the general welfare and betterment of our league. Regulations have been established to deal with those who break their promise to play in accordance with this Code. Implementation of fines and suspensions will take place if a player, manager or coach fails to live by this code. Those who fail to act according to this Code may lose their right to participate in the YBL.

Players ejected from a game are subject to penalties including fines, suspensions and expulsion from the league. Each ejection shall be examined for its severity to determine appropriate sanctions, if any.

Abuse of Officials
Disputing an umpire’s judgment, making contact with an umpire or directing unsportsmanlike conduct toward any official will not be tolerated. Players or team personnel involved in such behavior will face disciplinary action up to and including permanent removal from the league.

Any player or coach that participates in a fight will be ejected and suspended for the team’s next three consecutive games. Additional sanctions may be assessed.

Intentionally Throwing at a Batter
Any pitcher that is ejected for intentionally throwing at a batter shall be suspended for the team’s next four consecutive games. Additional sanctions may be assessed.

Verbal Abuse
Game personnel will not use language that reflects negatively on opposing players, coaches, umpires or spectators. The umpire will issue a warning and if the abuse continues will eject the offending person(s).

Social Media Behavior
While online, YBL participants are expected to stay within the spirit of the YBL Code of Ethics. Freedom of Speech will always be honored but airing negativity in a public forum can reflect poorly on everyone. Disagreements can be handled much easier by simply reaching out to any YBL Board member for discussion. Our Board will always be accessible to its members.

Behavior at YBL Fields

  1. Public Drinking: The drinking of alcoholic beverages before, during or after a game is prohibited.
  2. Field Decorum: Teams and players are guests at the fields we use during the season. Each franchise is asked to be mindful of their surroundings when it comes to cleaning their benches and obeying local parking rules before, during and after YBL Games.
  3. Tobacco Products: The use of tobacco products is prohibited at all times.
  4. Changing of Clothes/Uniforms – We play in neighborhoods all over Greater Boston and we ask that players do all they can to arrive at, and leave games in uniform (at least pants) to minimize the need to change at a park.

(Note: Teams to have been found to violate maybe fined or have offending coach/player suspended).

Click the following link to download a copy of the Yawkey League Code of Ethics

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