As the Yawkey Baseball League begins play this summer, the following guidelines have been implemented for the 2020 season. Remember, no matter how much the Yawkey Baseball League and its players and coaches do to prevent any infections, NO ACTIVITY IS 100% safe. In addition to the following guidelines we will also follow all guidelines set forth by the City of Boston, and the State of Massachusetts as well as the towns we play in.
Updated as of 07.22.2020 – new items listed in RED
All participants, spectators, coaches, managers, players, umpires MUST
- We strongly recommended to travel to the field alone, or, with a member of their immediate family or household
- Conduct daily ‘self-evaluation symptom assessments. Anyone experiencing any covid-19 possible symptoms must stay home and not participate
- Must adhere to the six foot social distancing guidelines and wear masks when not participating in the game.
- Strongly recommend that friends and family planning to come to a game to wear face coverings. Players, are required to tell family members, significant others, and friends about guidelines
- NO team water coolers or shared drinking stations. All participants MUST bring their own water/drink bottle(s).
- Whenever possible, equipment ( ex: helmets, bats ) and personal items should have proper separation and should NOT be shared or handled by others. If equipment is shared or handled by others, proper sanitation should be administered between uses.
- Teams must have hand sanitizer, disinfectant spray and/or wipes available at all times.
- Please make every effort during your practices/pregame prep to limit the size of group gathering ( example: 3 guys at SS during BP or playing catch pregame – space out 6’ )
- Players and Coaches are prohibited from spitting which is extremely important due to how covid-19 can be spread. Guidelines at all levels ( even MLB ). no tobacco products, seeds, are allowed. While many of you have used products like seeds before as they have been ‘part of the game’ for decades, they are prohibited for the 2020 season.
- Elimination of the post-game handshakes for the 2020 season( regular and postseason )
- Teams should have their players bring chairs to extend any existing bench area to allow that all players are properly distanced during the game. Every effort should be made to maintain social distancing in the dugout/bench area for the duration of time you are at the field.
- Players should wear face coverings at all times while not actively participating in the field of play
- Players should follow the ‘NO touch rule’. Refrain from ‘high fives’, physical contact, handshakes, etc.
- All players will have a face covering around their neck at all times, and when not actively involved in play, it’s strongly recommended they wear their face covering properly over their nose and mouth. When batting players should wear a face covering as they are in close proximity to the catcher and umpire( who should be wearing one as well )
- Since we need to keep the six-foot distance rule in place on the bench, and bench/dugout areas were not designed for this expanded space, it is recommended that some players bring their own folding chair to set up either behind the bench or further down the bench extended.
- Hygiene is critical to prevent possible contamination. While difficult, and not always an option, players MUST make every effort to wash their uniforms after every game
- Players are prohibited from any prolonged agreement/discussion of a call with an umpire. If a player perceives a call should be discussed he is to let his coach come out and follow their protocols to discuss the play.
- Coaches, players MUST adhere to physical six-foot distancing except when the ball is in play
- Must always adhere to the six-foot social distancing guidelines
- Must always wear face covering at all times (even when taking a trip and keep the mask up when speaking with pitcher and catcher)
- Must ensure all players are following covid-19 guidelines
- When giving signs from third base coaches box, avoid touching your face
- A coach is allowed to come out to question a call only to the foul line or dirt circle around home plate and while keeping his face covering on. There will be NO face to face arguments as the six-foot distancing rule is always in place
- Umpires must have a supply of hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes/sprays, disposable gloves, and face coverings in their equipment bag
- Umpires must adhere to the six-foot social distancing guideline
- MUST self – evaluate their physical condition before leaving for the field. If they have any symptoms, they must stay home.
- Disposable gloves are strongly recommended
- Must avoid exchanging documents, equipment with coaches or players
- No line-up cards will be exchanged with umpire
- The defense team will supply the baseballs for their inning of play. This way, umpires do not have to touch any baseballs, and only the defensive team touches their own baseballs
Pregame meeting with umpires
- Pregame meeting should be limited to the discussion of ground rules only
- Each team should only send one representative
- No handshakes or fist bumps between representatives and umpires
- Masks should be worn and social distancing rules applied
Leaving the field after game is over
- There will be no congregating around the bench areas or in the parking lots when the game is over
- No team huddles, or team meetings, group or team pictures