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The BASE joins the Yawkey League

At their meeting on June 23, the members of the Yawkey League voted to unanimously approve a franchise to Robert Lewis, Jr. and Stephen Lewis of The BASE. The newest franchise will be based out of Boston and begin play this season.

From President Dave McKay :
“Warm thanks to Robert and Stephan Lewis for accepting our invitation and forming a franchise. We also extend a note of thanks to the Yawkey Trust for helping lay the building blocks for this partnership. The BASE has a vast impact in our inner city neighborhoods. Their mission is to match sports and education. It is our hopes this will be the beginning of a long standing relationship.”

For more information on The Base (

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Season Update – June 17

The board and franchise holders met again on June 16, as they continued to work through a plan that would allow the league to play a shortened regular season followed by playoffs.

In the current plan, games would begin around July 6. The board is finalizing health and safety guidelines for the season. All teams will adhere to league guidelines as well as the guidelines and standards set forth by the State of Massachusetts, and the cities and towns in which games will be played.

Players and teams have been able to begin practice in accordance to the Phase 2 guidelines. And we remain hopeful that the start of Phase 3 will begin in time to allow us to play baseball this summer.

Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday June 23.

If you are a player looking for a place to play in 2020 or beyond, we encourage you to encourage you to fill out the following player registration form.

YBL Player Registration Form

May you and your family be safe and healthy during this time.

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Catching up with Tony Iafolla

© Robert Marra

The 2019 Yawkey League season was the 15th for Tony Iafolla. By years end Tony and his Revere Rockies teammates had won a championship. The Globe recently posted an article catching up Iafolla.

Follow the link below for the full article.

From Medfield Little League to now, Tony Iafolla is still a catcher

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YBL 2020 Season and COVID-19 Update as of 04.22.2020

On Tuesday April 21 the Yawkey League Board of Directors and franchise holders conducted a conference call to continue discussions regarding a 2020 season as well as other COVID19 related issues.

The COVID-19 pandemic is an unique situation that has impacted us all, and has had a direct impact on the 2020 Yawkey Baseball League season. As of now our the planned start of our regular season has been delayed and we share in how disappointing this is and we will continue to consult with appropriate city, state, local and health officials to be sure that we are doing the best we can for the safety and well-being of our players, coaches, families, umpires, and fans that come out to the parks.

The Yawkey Baseball League Board of Directors is following guidance from the State of Massachusetts, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization(WHO) to work on all of our options that would allow us to play baseball this summer and we will provide updates here as well once we have updates and more information.

It is our sincere hope that we can baseball the summer and the Yawkey Baseball League Board of Directors and franchise holders are meeting regularly via conference calls to work on any and all options available to us.

We also ask that all of our players to check in regularly with their teams leadership as they should have updates on the options that are being discussed for the 2020 season.

If you are a player looking for a place to play in 2020 or beyond, we encourage you to encourage you to fill out the following player registration form.

YBL Player Registration Form

May you and your family be safe and healthy during this time.

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A message from the league

The impact of COVID-19 has been felt in every walk of life including baseball in New England that has seen cancellations of college and high schools seasons. As we all look to abide by the stay at home orders and adhere to the social distancing guidelines, we ask that you please cooperate with the mandates of our public officials.

Currently all organized sport activity has been suspended in the Commonwealth. As a result it is requested that members of the Yawkey League should not gather at any field as individuals or as a group to practice or scrimmage.

The board continues to work on plans for a 2020 season. We are exploring all options for providing the most baseball it can when it becomes safe to do so.

In the meantime please be safe and healthy.

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February Meeting

The franchise holders and board of the YBL gathered on February 27 to discuss the upcoming 2020 season. There was a positive exchange of ideas and initial plans for the 2020 season were made.

New team applications were discussed and it was decided to extend the deadline for new applications until Match 31. Any parties interested fielding a new team are encouraged to contact Dave McKay (bostonbaseballhead @

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