Player Profile: Cam Bando (Charlestown Townies #18)


Introducing Cam Bando, #18 for the newest franchise in the Yawkey Baseball League the Charlestown Townies, has been a crucial part to the Townies inaugural season. Cam has taken on the task of catching the Townies pitching staff this summer and has been the back bone of the team out there on the field and a threat in the middle of their lineup. Hidden behind the talent of the Townies pitching staff has been Cam’s ability to get the most out of his pitchers. He has been the perfect player this summer and has done everything asked of him without hesitation. Cam is looking to take his baseball career to the next level and continue to play in college. Although still undecided where that might be, Cam will for sure have his choice of schools to pick from when he decides to make that leap.

(Introduction courtesy of Devin Santilli)

Nickname: Never really had one besides “Bando”

Position(s): Catcher

Bats/Throws: Right/Right

Club(s) Played for in YBL: Charlestown Townies

Where did you grow up? Wakefield, MA

Where do you live now? York, ME

When is your birthday? 5/29/1996

Where did you go to college? Still in the process of finding one.

What do you do for a living? Hopefully not for a living but I work for Earls Kitchen and Bar.

If you played pro ball, where have you played, and what was the most interesting city you called home? I should probably think about college first before pros.

What baseball awards / honors have you won in your life? Received Independent School League All- League honors sophomore junior and senior year and 2015 MVP at St. Paul’s School.

Do you coach/play anywhere outside the YBL? Where? The Townies and also a local baseball league in Wakefield.

Been part of any championship teams prior to / outside of the YBL? In 2012 I was a part of the Wakefield all-star team that won the state championship.

What years have you been an All-Star in the YBL? This is my first year.

Favorite MLB player(s) of all time? As a kid I had an obsession with Mark Maguire, he lied about taking steroids but I still like him.

What are the three best movies you’ve seen in the last year? The revenant was really good, I could watch the movie Warrior over and over again even though it’s not new, and Mad Max.

What concerts have you been to in the last year? I always love going to country fest at Gillette every year.

You’re on your way to a game, what are you listening to in order to get hyped? It all depends on my mood but it’s usually house music or rap, no artist in particular.

Read any good books lately? The Bobby Orr book that came out a couple years ago was really good.

What are your 3 favorite shows right now? House of Cards, Ballers, Curb your Enthusiasm.

What is the best trip you’ve ever taken? I went to the Bahamas with my best friends from school.

Who is the most underrated player on your team? Everybody usually does their job when called upon, couldn’t really pick one if I had to, no one is overrated that’s for sure.

Who else on your team would make for an interesting interview? James Beaton, the kid is a character.

Who have you most looked up to in the YBL? I’ve noticed a lot of professionalism and respect for the game in the YBL so that is something that’s awesome to see in everyone that plays.

What was the most exciting moment you’ve had in the YBL? Getting our first win with the townies was a big rush for all of us.

What are your hobbies/passions outside of baseball? Definitely hanging out by the beach playing spike ball with my two brothers, in the winter it’s playing hockey with my brothers as well.

Who is the most influential person(s) in your life? My dad has certainly been the most influential person, he’s taught me everything I need to succeed and be a good person in life.

Do you have any pets? I have two black labs that are awesome, Forrest and Wyatt

How does your significant other handle your baseball habit? She handles it like everything else I do, she just deals with it, thankfully.

What drives you to keep playing ball every summer? Baseball in the summer is perfectly coexistent, you can’t have one without the other, and I don’t know what I’d do without playing some baseball on a beautiful summer day.

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