Category Archives: Player Profiles

Player Profile: Drew Tambling (McKay Club Beacons #27)

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Since joining the McKay Club Beacons in 2008, few players in the Yawkey Baseball League have shown the ability to single-handedly generate offense as well as #27, Drew Tambling.  A true “dual-threat” by the very definition of the term, Drew’s light tower power and blazing speed have been filling up YBL box scores for the last half-decade.

As a key contributor to the UMass-Boston Baseball Team’s improbable run to the College World Series in 2010, Drew mashed 9 HR’s, swiped 34 bags, scored 55 runs and drove in 43 RBI’s out of the team’s leadoff spot.  He’s continued to produce in his post-college years, amassing 200+ career hits, 120+ stolen bases, 120+ RBI, 140+ runs and an impressive .383 career Yawkey League batting average.

A stalwart on the league’s many all-star and select teams, Drew notably launched a long home run off of the US Military All-Stars in the Yawkey League’s 2012 thumping of Doug Flutie’s squad, and provided critical stolen bases in the YBL’s 2014 EMass victory over the Boston Park League.


Get to know McKay Club slugger (And apparent Bachelorette hopeful…) Drew Tambling:


Nickname: Drew

Position(s) LF

Bats/Throws – L/L

Club(s) Played for in YBL: Mckay Club 2008-Present

 YBL All-Star: 2008-2014

Where did you grow up: Sterling, MA

Where do you live now: Dorchester, but by the time this is released I will be living in Singapore

Where did you go to college: Dean College & UMass Boston

When is your birthday: 9/18/84

What do you do for a living: Supply Chain Consultant at Gartner Inc.

Baseball Awards/Honors:

First Team All- LEC NCAA 2009,10

First Team All-Region NCAA 2009,10

4X YBL Silver Slugger

Been part of any championship teams prior to / outside of the YBL?

2010 LEC & Northeast Regional Champs at UMB

Favorite MLB position player of all time?

David Justice (the ATL years) I was a kid growing up in the burbs of ATL until I was about 8-9 yrs old. I loved David Justice. One day my mom took me to wait in line for 8 hours to get his autograph. First time I ever met a big leaguer.

Favorite MLB pitcher of all time?

Can’t say I have a favorite. But I think of pitchers in terms of who I would least like to face. I think that honor would go to Randy Johnson. I’d **** myself.

What are the three best movies you’ve seen in the last year?

I’m more of the type to binge on TV Shows on Netflix. This past year I watched the entire Sopranos series for the first time. I watched the whole thing in like 3 weeks. I think I almost got fired for being so tired every day.

What concerts have you been to in the last year?

Queen, Foster the People, Marina and the Diamonds, Zedd.

Read any good books lately?

I like dystopian novels… The Maze Runner trilogy is sick.

Who is the most underrated player on your team?

Dan Brien has had a sneaky awesome year and maybe the prettiest swing on the McKay Club.

Who else on [your team] would make for an interesting interview?

Lionel Danielson, “right down the middle”

Who have you most looked up to in the YBL?

Guys like DesRoches, Tenney, Iafolla, and Del Rio just to name a few of MANY that show up year in and year out and compete at a high level and sustain long careers.

Who is the toughest pitcher to face in the YBL?

JT Ross has always made me look stupid

Who is the toughest hitter to face in the YBL?

It changes every year, but right now I’d say Freddi Carrera. He’s one of the few dudes that never strikes out, can spray the ball anywhere, has the strength to push a flair into a hit and then steal two bags. Great kid, great player.

What was the most exciting moment you’ve had in the YBL?


How would you improve the YBL?

I’d like to see the EMASS Tourney turn into an event that grows into a weekend-long, double elimination, NCAA style tournament where all the amateur leagues in MA can make a bid for the title. There’s some legit leagues in central and western MA.

What are your hobbies/passions outside of baseball?

Golf, Guitar, Songwriting, Netflix.

What was the greatest accomplishment in your life?

Landing my job and starting my career. Scariest and hardest thing I had to ever do was give up the dream and put on the working shoes. But I’m thankful everyday that I did.

Who is the most influential person(s) in your life?

My Father, Mark Tambling. So smart, so humble, so successful, so stress free. I seek his advice and approval for everything I do. I always want to make my father proud.

Tell me something about you that people wouldn’t know.

Last summer, I was asked on the street by a casting recruiter to be a contestant on the Bachelorette. So this January, ABC flew me and 50 other dudes from all over the country to LA and put me up in the Beverly Hills hotel for the weekend. For 3 days, they put me through all sorts of crazy on-set interviews and testing. Then in the end, they cut me loose. It was probably for the best.

Do you have any pets?

I have a cocker spaniel named Lady, she’s awesome.

What drives you to keep playing ball every summer?

Three things: Win a Title; Hang out with the Bros; and Pad the Stats.

Got any Predictions for the 2014 YBL Playoffs?

A’s in 7… I think they got it this year!!


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Player Profile: Billy Uberti (Brighton Braves #6)

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Is there a hotter hitter in the Yawkey Baseball League than Brighton Braves All-Star First Baseman Billy Uberti?  Currently atop the YBL leaderboard with a .509 batting average and an ungodly .606 OBP, the Brighton Braves slugger is putting the finishing touches on a monster offensive campaign, with many of the YBL faithful considering him a strong MVP candidate.  Flashing gold glove caliber defense to complement his offensive prowess, Billy was recently selected as the starting first baseman for the YBL squad in the 2014 EMass All-Star Classic, providing several clutch ABs in the league’s 15-10 defeat of the Boston Park League.


#6 in your programs, but #1 in your hearts… get to know Billy Uberti:


Nickname: Billy Baseball

Position:  1B

Bat: L Throw: L

YBL Team: Brighton Braves  2011-Present

YBL All Star: 2012, 2013, 2014

Hometown: Newton, MA (still live there)

College: Lasell College

Birthday: 12/21/90

Do you coach anywhere?  Next fall I begin my coaching career as an assistant at Lasell College

Employment:  Sales Associate at James A Ryan Insurance Agency

Favorite MLB Position Player: Ken Griffey Jr.

Favorite MLB Pitcher: Pedro Martinez

Three Best Movies seen in the past year: That’s My Boy, Great Gatsby, Prisoners

Most Underrated Player on the Braves: Brendan Ryan, pitcher with great mound presence, spots his pitches and has good stuff. I wouldn’t want to hit against him.

Who else on the Braves would make for an interesting Interview: Smitty, the guys got great stories from 10 plus years in pro ball

Who have you looked up to in Yawkey League?  Teddy Dziuba (Somerville) He is one hell of a ballplayer, but also plays the game right. Every time I compete against him, with him or talk baseball with him I learn something to make me a better player.

Toughest Pitcher: Chris McKenzie (Somerville): I haven’t faced every pitcher in the league yet, but he’s got the type of stuff that when he gets you out you tip your cap to him. Not many pitchers I would say that about.

Toughest Hitter: James Katsiroubas (Al Thomas): kids rakes someone who will capitalize on any mistake

Most Exciting Moment in YBL: Playing in the All Star game at Fenway Park

How would you improve the YBL?  Make trades possible if both players agree on it. I think a trade system will allow teams to better develop and bring some tension to the league.

What was the greatest accomplishment of your life: Being the captain of my college team, always an honor to wear the C

Most Influential Person in your life: My father, he taught me everything I know on and off the field. He is gone but his lessons will live with me forever.

Do you have any pets: Female boxer named “Miami,” best dog in the game.

What drives you to continue to play baseball: I simply love the game, and until I am unable to produce at a high level I plan to continue being a ballplayer.

YBL 2014 Playoff Prediction:  Since the Braves are out I’m going with Somerville, hard to pick against them until someone takes them down in a series.

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Player Profile: Anthony Bucciarelli

2014-06-04 12.24.14

Anthony Bucciarelli is in his tenth season as a player for the Revere Rockies, and in his second year as the club’s manager. He has been a regular fixture in Boston baseball for many years, and not just as a player-manager, as you’re about to find out.

Nickname: Booch
Positions: 2B / Manager
Bats/Throws: L/R
Club Played for in YBL: Revere Rockies, 2005-present

Where did you grow up?
Northboro, MA

Where do you live now?
Worcester, MA

Where did you go to college?
Fitchburg State College

When is your birthday?
February 10

Do you coach anywhere outside the YBL?
Not currently, but previously I coached 12U AAU in 2010 and 13U in 2011 for the New England Stampede.

What do you do for a living?
I work for Verizon Communications, managing Verizon Technicians that install and repair Verizon FiOS

What baseball awards / honors have you won in your life?
Several Premier Player Awards in the MABL for 2B and a Gold Glove and Silver Slugger in the YBL.

Been part of any championship teams prior to / outside of the YBL?
2002 MABL Champions, 2007 MABL Champions, 2009 MABL Champions, and 2011 MABL Champions

What years have you been an All-Star in the YBL?
I want to say 3 times, the first ever US Military All-Star Game at Fallon, the Military All-Star game at Holman Stadium, and the All-Star Game at Fenway are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

Tell me something about you that people wouldn’t know.
I was the Boston Red Sox third base ball boy from 1995-2000 and was on ESPN several times because of plays I had made.

That’s so awesome. What was the coolest thing that happened while you worked at Fenway?
Getting to work the All-Star game at Fenway in 1999, and being on the field for all the festivities (Futures Game, Home Run Derby, and All-Star game) and getting to meet Tony Gwynn. Told him he was one of my favorite players growing up and he responded with “Thanks little guy.” Also, in 1998, the White Sox were in town and I was on the visitor’s side of the field before the game. Next thing I know I was talking with Scott Eyre and all of a sudden he pointed out several attractive ladies that sat down in the front row near their dug out. I told him that they’re sitting right behind me as I pointed to the chair I sat on every game as the ball boy. He asked me if I got a foul ball, if I could give it to one of the girls and tell whoever I gave it to, that it was from him. Sure enough in the 2nd inning I got a foul ball, handed it off to the girl, told her it was from Scott Eyre and he leaned out of the dug out to wave to them. The next day, to repay me, he took me out to Waterworks in Quincy that night and I was sitting in the VIP room with him and Chris Snopek, eating and drinking on the house.

Favorite MLB position player of all time?
Tough for me to pick one as I loved Wade Boggs and Tony Gwynn growing up.

Favorite MLB pitcher of all time?
Pedro Martinez

What are the three best movies you’ve seen in the last year?
American Hustle, Bad Grandpa, and Dallas Buyers Club.

Who is the most underrated player on the Rockies?
Nate Laliberte. Consummate team player and he can play any position in the infield. Last year in the playoffs, he was the major reason for our run to the finals, having to play SS due to the injury to Luis [Rodriguez] and he played great defense there.

Who else on the Rockies would make for an interesting interview?
Chris Santosuosso. Not to disrespect or snub anyone else in the league, but I don’t think there is another player in the league that cares about winning more than him.

Who have you most looked up to in the YBL?
Bernie Driscoll. He was considered the best when I came into the league and every year, I worked hard to beat him out for every award given for second basemen.

Who is the toughest pitcher to face in the YBL?
Well I only faced him once two years ago in the 1st round of the playoffs, but I would have to go with Jeff Allison. The command he had of his pitches, he consistently painted the corners with ease and the pop he had on his fastball, which he did all so effortlessly, was impressive.

What was the most exciting moment you’ve had in the YBL?
It would have to be playing in the All Star Game at Fenway, but making the YBL Finals in my first year as Manager of the Rockies was as exciting as well.

How would you improve the YBL?
There are some little things but overall, but I can’t complain, because at 37, the league gives me the ability to play the game I love.

What are your hobbies/passions outside of baseball?
Golf and spending time with my niece and nephews.

What was the greatest accomplishment in your life?
Locking up my wife for the rest of her life and finding out my fishies could swim.

Who is the most influential person in your life?
My father. I could use all the clichés in the world about him as a father, and every one of them would be true.

How does your wife handle your baseball habit?
She is not the biggest fan of it, but knows that it is something I love to do, so she puts up with it.

What drives you to keep playing ball every summer?
The boys. Over my 13 years playing in the MABL and YBL, I have developed some great friendships with guys I have played with, and guys I have played against, and I have both leagues to thank for that. There is nothing more that I look forward to after working all day than playing baseball with my friends.

Booch Ballboy

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Player Profile: Nick Vennochi

2014-04-03 22.16.02

Nick Vennochi is the new player-manager of the Malden Maddogs. He has taken the reins from Dave Hanley, for whom he also played at Emerson College from 2008-11. In his senior year, he was the captain and team MVP. That was a tremendous achievement for a guy who was cut from his high school team all four years at St. John’s Prep in Danvers, and it speaks volumes of his tenacious character.

“I was cut four straight years in high school,” he said, “but kept playing the game because I loved it so much and didn’t want someone else ending my career. I want to stop playing when I’m ready. I kept with it and made the Emerson team and started for three years.”

You can expect the Maddogs to play a gritty, unrelenting style of baseball on Veno’s watch.

Nickname: Veno
Positions: 1B, 3B, C, RF
Bats/Throws: R/R

Clubs played for in YBL:
South Boston Saints, 2009
Medford Maddogs, 2012-present (now Malden Maddogs)

Where did you grow up?

Where do you live now?

Where did you go to college?
Emerson College

When is your birthday?
March 5, 1989

Do you coach/play anywhere outside the YBL? Where?
Played in MSBL for Blue Jays.

What do you do for a living?
Instructor at Extra Innings in Middleton, and Assistant to the Sports Communications Director at Wentworth Institute of Technology.

If you played pro ball, what was the most interesting city you called home?
No pro ball, but I did work for the Cotuit Kettleers in the Cape Cod Baseball League in 2010 when they won the championship. I did play-by-play and color commentary with Nick Coit of WLNE-TV. I also worked for the Lowell Spinners in 2011 in their merchandising department. In Cotuit, I was lucky enough to watch Deven Marrero of the Boston Red Sox organization play. And in 2011, the Spinners third baseman was Garin Checchini, also of the Red Sox.

What baseball awards / honors have you won in your life?
MVP Emerson Baseball 2011. All-GNAC Conference Third team, 2011.

Been part of any championship teams prior to / outside of the YBL?

Favorite MLB position player of all time?
Chipper Jones

Favorite MLB pitcher of all time?
Pedro Martinez

What are the three best movies you’ve seen in the last year?
The Great Gatsby, Gangster Squad, American Hustle, Lone Survivor (Yeah, I gave you four.)

What concerts have you been to in the last year?

Read any good books lately?
The Science of Hitting by Ted Williams

Who is the most underrated player on the Maddogs?
Ryan Garber

Who else on the Maddogs would make for an interesting interview?
Geoff Lopes

Who is the toughest pitcher to face in the YBL?
Chris Dion

What was the most exciting moment you’ve had in the YBL?
Starting 3-13 last season and making the playoffs.

How would you improve the YBL?
Let scheduling software make the schedule. Play everyone twice. And less talk and more focus on the game we all love.

What are your hobbies/passions outside of baseball?
Gym, golf, friends.

What was the greatest accomplishment in your life?
Graduating college and getting a Masters degree.

Who is the most influential person(s) in your life?
My parents, Tom and Joan.

Tell me something about you that people wouldn’t know.
I love my family more than anything. And I include my close friends as family. I am a pretty open person, so if you know me, there’s not much you don’t know.

Do you have any pets?
A dog, Zoe; a cat, Rusty; and I’m an uncle to another dog, Cooper.

How does your significant other handle your baseball habit?
My significant other is my baseball habit.

What drives you to keep playing ball every summer?
I love this game. And I get to play with four college teammates, my best friends, and I still love to compete. Nothing is better than winning with your friends.

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Player Profile: Chris Deane

2014-03-31 11.24.58
Chris Deane has been one of the Yawkey Baseball League’s top hitters for more than two decades. Last year, in his first year with the South End Astros, he won the 2013 YBL Silver Slugger Award (DH), but more importantly, also won the YBL’s Comeback Player of the Year after fighting his way through cancer treatments to bat .381 (37-97) with a .903 OPS and 17 RBI. As a capstone to this amazing season in which he also won a MABL championship with Ben’s Dream White Sox and the Cape Cod Thunder Bat Classic with the Framingham Orioles, he then played all 100 innings of the 100 Innings of Baseball Spectacular, and the story of his battle with cancer was the subject of a New England Baseball Journal feature by Brett Rudy. Look for Deano to keep mashing in the YBL for several more years, because he shows no signs of slowing down.

Nickname: Deano
Bats/Throws: R/R
Position(s): DH now, but I fill in anywhere as needed.

Club(s) Played for in YBL?
21 years in the league this season. Started with Savin Hill, spent 14 years with McKay Club, and also played for Malden and Southie, but now I am an Astro.

Where did you grow up?

Where do you live now?
Plainville, but moving back to Quincy by the summer.

If you served in the military, where?

When is your birthday?

What do you do for a living?
Local 7 Union ironworker

If you played pro ball, what was the most interesting city you called home?
Osceola County in Florida (Osceola Astros, Houston A ball affiliate)

What baseball awards / honors have you won in your life?
I have won a few, but most recently I won Comeback Player of the Year in the YBL…..really meant a lot to me!

Been part of any championship teams prior to / outside of the YBL?
Outside of the YBL I have won two with the Scituate Tides and one with Ben’s Dream White Sox

What years have you been an All-Star in the YBL?
14 times, but cant remember the years.

Favorite MLB position player of all time?
Ted Williams

Favorite MLB pitcher of all time?
Nolan Ryan

Who is the most underrated player on the Astros?
Rommel Richardson Peguero

Who have you most looked up to in the YBL?
Marc DesRoches

Who is the toughest pitcher to face in the YBL?
Derek Bates

Who is the toughest hitter to face in the YBL?
Too many to list

What was the most exciting moment you’ve had in the YBL?
My first time at Fenway

What are your hobbies/passions outside of baseball?

What was the greatest accomplishment in your life?
My daughter, Callan.

Do you have any pets?
I have a dog named Maddie.

How does your significant other handle your baseball habit?
My girlfriend has been more than amazing considering how much ball I play. We share a passion for snowboarding, so we always have the winters.

What drives you to keep playing ball every summer?
I have played every summer for the last 32 years, so I don’t think I would know what to do if I didn’t play.


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Player Profile: Chris Foundas

2014-02-13 19.01.07

Over four seasons in the Yawkey Baseball League, Chris Foundas has posted a 24-7 mark in the regular season, and even more impressively, has gone 10-2 with a 1.10 ERA in playoff action. The Alibrandis have won the championship all four years that he has been with the team. In 2013, he tied for the league lead in wins (8), was 2nd in K/IP (1.33), and was 4th overall in strikeouts (61).  Chris throws one of the hardest, meanest fastballs in the YBL, but he is also one of the nicest guys you could ever hope to meet.

Nickname: Foundy

Position(s): Pitcher & 4th String Catcher just waiting for my opportunity

Bats/Throws: R/R

Club(s) Played for in YBL: Somerville Alibrandis (2010-Present)

Where did you grow up?
Needham, MA

Where do you live now?
Framingham, MA

Where do/did you go to college?
Bryant University

When is your birthday?
April 2nd, 1987

What baseball awards / honors have you won in your life?
Bryant’s 10th Player Award 2009, NSPBA Second Team All-American 2011

How many YBL championships have you won?
4, Consecutive

What years have you been an All-Star in the YBL?
2011, 2012

Favorite MLB player of all time?
Nolan Ryan, cause he could probably tell people what was coming and they still couldn’t hit it, hence the 7 No Hitters.

Who is the most underrated player on the Alibrandis?
Bobby Barrett, has come up in the clutch many of times and doesn’t always get recognized

Who else on the Alibrandis would make for an interesting interview?
Teddy Dziuba. He always has something to say!

Who have you most looked up to in the YBL?
I may be biased, but this decision is easy, Marc DesRoches. The guy just loves the game of baseball and has respected it more than anyone I know.

Who is the toughest pitcher to face in the YBL?
Jon Klein, I don’t know him personally, but the guy just knows how to deal, keeps batters off balance and just goes out and competes his butt off.

Who is the toughest hitter to face in the YBL?
Lefties, especially Tom Englehardt (hopefully returning this summer) & Teddy Dziuba, they are so disciplined and compete every single pitch, not giving a single at bat up, it’s as if they are one step ahead of every pitcher trying to get them out.

What was the most exciting moment you’ve had in the YBL?
As a team achieving 30 wins in the regular season, and then going on to win our 4th straight championship.

Who is the most influential person(s) in your life?
My family as a whole. My Parents and two older brothers raised, guided, and supported me in everything I have done, and have always been there for me no matter what.

What drives you to keep playing ball every summer?
“Isn’t it obvious? For the girls.” In all seriousness, the moment you think you have this game figured out, it has no problem putting you right back into your place. This game is built around failure, and the player/team that overcomes these failures are the ones that are going to succeed, and there is no better feeling than accomplishing that ultimate goal: WIN. One last quote, “Its supposed to be hard; if it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great!”

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Chris Foundas (right) with teammate Teddy Dziuba


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