Category Archives: Player Profiles

Player Profile: Sam Cummings (Stoneham Sabers #23)


Sam “The Bull” Cummings is one of four original Stoneham Sabers still playing from the inaugural roster back in 2011. Cummings comes from Burlington, Mass where he once struck out 21 Woburn High School batters when he suited up for his hometown team.  Manager Angelo Colucci first noticed Cummings’ brilliance when they faced off in the Lou Tompkins summer baseball league and brought Cummings on board in 2011.  Cummings went on to graduate from Bentley University where he played a few years of collegiate baseball.

Cummings is one of the most underrated pitchers in the Yawkey Baseball League. He has a career winning record of 16-12-2 on the mound.  Tossing 184 innings, striking out 169 YBL batters, with a phenomenal 1.19 earn run average that is currently good enough for 7th All-Time in the YBL since the 400hitter era.  His post season numbers are just as good. In the post-season Cummings is 4-2 with a 1.48 era, defeating some of the best team’s the YBL has to offer in the Somerville Alibrandis and East Boston Knights.

Sam is one of the most dedicated players on the Sabers and is a “Bull-Like” competitor on the mound. He pitches whenever he is called upon and is a true team player.  Cummings will be pitching a shutout and will take himself out to get other players innings.  It is truly a pleasure to have a leader like Cummings on the roster and the Sabers hope to have him for years to come.

(Intro Courtesy of Angelo Colucci)

Nickname: The Bull

Position(s): P

Bats/Throws: R/R

Club(s) Played for in YBL: Stoneham Sabers

Where did you grow up? Burlington, MA

Where do you live now? Allston, MA

When is your birthday? October 23, 1990

Where did you go to college? Bentley University

What do you do for a living? IT Auditor for State Street Bank

If you played pro ball, where have you played, and what was the most interesting city you called home? Never got the call, unfortunately.

What baseball awards / honors have you won in your life? There were some accolades back in High School but that was many years ago and are pretty irrelevant now.

Do you coach/play anywhere outside the YBL? Where? Play in a few games after Yawkey season in the MNBL out of Woburn for the Orange Crush

Been part of any championship teams prior to / outside of the YBL? Waaayyyyy back in the day. We (Burlington) used to dominate Little League. Did a decent amount of damage in Regionals every year.

What years have you been an All-Star in the YBL? 1 – 2014 maybe?

Favorite MLB player(s) of all time? Pedro Martinez and the Big Unit

What are the three best movies you’ve seen in the last year? Tough to think about what I have seen recently. Would have to go with The Big Short, Captain America Civil War and Finding Dory.

What concerts have you been to in the last year? Did a little ZBB at Fenway. Saw Kenny at Gillette and saw Steve Aoki in Vegas

You’re on your way to a game, what are you listening to in order to get hyped? The Stone Cold Steve Austin intro. Daniela will play it for me in the first inning if she is doing walks ups that day.

Read any good books lately? Would it come as a surprise to say that I am not much of a reader?

What are your 3 favorite shows right now? Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Workaholics

 What is the best trip you’ve ever taken? Hands down the best ‘trip’ I have ever been was studying abroad in Barcelona for 6 months. Got to live in the best city in Spain while seeing another 12 cities across 6 or 7 different countries.

Who is the most underrated player on your team? Ryan Flanagan. Tracks fly balls with the best of them – and in the wise words of Kenny Powers, “He’s got an arm like a #$@!ing cannon”. There is a reason why he wears that C.

Who else on your team would make for an interesting interview? Dion – Kid is a weirdo

Who have you most looked up to in the YBL? Mike Smith – still able to be as effective as he is over an extremely long period of time

Who is the toughest pitcher to face in the YBL? Haven’t picked up a bat since Vietnam –

Who is the toughest hitter to face in the YBL? Carrera or Katsirubas

What was the most exciting moment you’ve had in the YBL? There is always new excitement every year in the YBL but there is no better feeling than a little playoff baseball against the leagues’ powerhouses.

What are your hobbies/passions outside of baseball? I am actually wicked boring during the other parts of the year so thank god for baseball!

What was the greatest baseball accomplishment in your life? Have had quite a few but will always remember when I struck out 21 batters in a 7 inning game back in High School. There were 24 total outs due to drop 3 drop 3 strikes.

Who is the most influential person(s) in your life? Know its cliché but the Parental Units had the biggest impact in my life and are the reason I am who I am.

Do you have any pets? Got a 25 Lb cockapoo named Bruschi. Little guy just turned 14.

How does your significant other handle your baseball habit? Just starting to understand the half of it – she’s in deep sh*t

Tell me something about you that people wouldn’t know. I get all my golf skills from my Eskimo bro for life – Jordan Spieth.

Do you remember who started your Sabers’ team nickname “Stals”? Wow, that was a really long time ago. I want to say it was our first year in the league and it may have been Jake Zelnick or Mike Robinson. 50/50 chance on either one of them.

What Saber in franchise history would you want up at bat with the YBL championship on the line? Mike Robinson – Call the Army and bring him back!

What drives you to keep playing ball every summer? Trying to win that championship so I can ride off into the sunset like Jared Allen

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Player Profile: Brian Tanguy (Somerville Alibrandis #21)


Brian Tanguy (yes, this is often confusing, but we can clear it up once and for all now…….it’s pronounced BRY-uhn) joined the Alibrandis franchise of the Yawkey League after a well-traveled career throwing the pill all over the map. After graduating from BC High, the Weymouth native refused to allow an opposing line-up to get to know his repertoire too well. He made stops at St. Anselm’s College, Clarendon (TX) Junior College and Tennessee Wesleyan College, Brian then settled into a 3 year stint at UMass-Lowell from 2005-2007.

Brian played professionally for the Boston Rox of the Can-Am League in 2007-2008 before digging into Cranberry League, Yawkey League and MABL rosters. Since 2012 he can be found closing the important games for the Red Army (28 career saves and counting, which is impressive considering that the Alibrandis rarely have more than 2-3 games a season that provide save opportunities), and has won 4 Yawkey League Championships in the process.

Tanguy is also an accomplished coach and a terrific instructor. He has been at the helm, as well as the assistant coach of several baseball programs both at the scholastic and club levels. He has coached at Gann Academy, RBI Baseball Academy and the South Shore Baseball Club. He is presently an assistant and pitching coach for the 2015 Mariners 13U Super Division Team.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet “Hose,” Brian Tanguy (again, BRY-uhn).

(intro courtesy of Marc DesRoches)

Nickname: Tange, Hose

Position(s): Pitcher

Bats/Throws: R/R

Club(s) Played for in YBL: The Defending Champs (so modest)

Where did you grow up? South Shore

Where do you live now? Weymouth

When is your birthday? 3/28/84

Where did you go to college? The real question is, where didn’t I go… (In this order) St. Anselm College, Clarendon Junior College in Texas, Tennessee Wesleyan College and UMass Lowell

What do you do for a living? General Manager for All-Pro Builders (Family Owned General Contracting Company)

If you played pro ball, where have you played, and what was the most interesting city you called home? I played for the Brockton Rox Professional Baseball Team in 2007… While playing for the Brockton Rox in 2007, my first road trip was against The Quebec Capitales, in Quebec City, Canada. It was my first time in Canada. The place we stayed in was in rough shape, to say the least…blood stains on the floor – looked like a battle scene…nice classy place! Even the McDonald’s menu is bizarre (not because they are in French)…felt like I was in the twilight zone.

What baseball awards / honors have you won in your life? 

YBL Dick Radatz Fireman of the Year Award in 2012, 2013 and 2014

YBL Championship Series Co-MVP in 2013

Catholic Conference All Star in 2002, Patriot Ledger All Scholastic 2002

Do you coach/play anywhere outside the YBL? Where? I play for the Boston Bombers of the MSBL 28+ League in Boston. I am the pitching coach for the 15-18U Boston Prospects in Pembroke, MA.

Been part of any championship teams prior to / outside of the YBL?

2015 MSBL Over 30 Champions – Boston Bombers

Cranberry League (Hingham Phillies) 2003 – Stan Musial Tournament New England Champions

Member of the greatest High School Team EVER (in my opinion) in MA – 2001 State Championship BC High Eagles Baseball Team

What years have you been an All-Star in the YBL? 2012-2015

Favorite MLB player(s) of all time? Roger Clemens, Pedro Martinez, Derek Jeter, Nolan Ryan…nuff said

You’re on your way to a game, what are you listening to in order to get hyped? Metallica, Guns and Roses, Eminem – The angriest music I can find.

What are your 3 favorite shows right now? In the past year, I have been blessed enough to be watching TV shows with my cute 8 month old son, Brian Jr (he gives my wife and I no time to watch our own shows)….so with that said, Sesame Street, Paw Patrol…you get my drift.

What is the best trip you’ve ever taken? To Antigua with my wife on our honeymoon…non-stop food, drinks and dessert available at all times, what’s not to love?

Who is the most underrated player on your team? Bobby Barrett/Sean Sullivan – Bobby Barrett looks like some dude out of Duck Dynasty right now, but he’s a silent assassin…when it counts, Bobby always gets the job done at the plate. He’s an RBI Machine. I believe teams forget about Sean Sullivan at times…he’s an enforcer on the mound in the playoffs…just take a look at “Big Red’s” career Playoff Record and you will know what I’m talking about.

Who else on your team would make for an interesting interview? Mike Maguire being interviewed by Anthony DelPrete would be non-stop laughter.

Who have you most looked up to in the YBL? Marc DesRoches – Had the pleasure of watching this guy play for a few years and the old man, in my opinion, would still be one of the best players in the league right now…the legend of Doc is as true as can be…he plays the game with fire and he plays every game like it’s his last. Pleasure playing with you, Doc!

Who is the toughest hitter to face in the YBL? Tough one to say…I see guys once through a lineup most games being a closer and don’t really get to see guys strengths and weaknesses on a multi-inning basis…I also don’t know many of the guys in this league either…but throwing to Katzy is definitely a challenge.

What was the most exciting moment you’ve had in the YBL? Turning, what my teammates will say, was the slowest bases loaded 1-6-3 double play they have ever seen, in the 2013 Championship game against the Revere Rockies to end the game and win the championship.

Also watching Billy Karalis and Dave Lightbody annihilate baseballs in the 2015 Championship Series…never seen anything like it!

What are your hobbies/passions outside of baseball? I golf, I fish, blah blah…Baseball is really my only real passion (outside of hanging out with my wife and my son of course)…baseball is really all I have ever been passionate about!

What was the greatest accomplishment in your life? Getting married to my beautiful wife, Liz, as well as my wife giving birth to our little guy, Brian Jr…those outweigh everything in my life!

Who is the most influential person(s) in your life? It’s a combination of 3 people…my father (Brian Tanguy), my grandfather (Marty Barnes) and my baseball coach since I was 4 years old (Frank Niles). My father did whatever it took to get me to all of my games since I was 8 or 9 years old, even if it was 3 games in one day…he still to this day, does not miss a game. My grandfather was an umpire and coach for years and knew how to get the best out of me. Frank Niles taught me the game of baseball at a young age and how to play it the right way. They all individually gave me the foundation I needed to succeed in baseball and in life.

Do you have any pets? Yes, a black cat named Penny.

How does your significant other handle your baseball habit? Of course all wives or girlfriends think we are crazy for all of the baseball we play/coach…but at the end of the day, my wife, is the most supportive wife I could ever ask for…I play for two teams (Somerville Alibrandi’s and Boston Bombers), along with coaching and doing pitching lessons…I am completely engulfed in baseball all year round and she knows how important it is to me…can’t ask for anything better.

What drives you to keep playing ball every summer? Baseball and I were love at first sight…tough to imagine life without playing this game…but at age 32, my driving force is that I keep telling myself, until I can’t get these young hitters out, I’m not going to stop playing. Every year it becomes more and more challenging, but I know I can still compete…and I pitch every game like it’s my last. I also would like for my son to see me play before I’m finished.

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Player Profile: Kendall Chaves (Malden Maddogs #3)


Kendall Chaves joined the Maddogs in the summer of 2013 and has been one of the most reliable, respectful and hardworking players over that time. Kenny has compiled a 13-10 record, with 126 strikeouts and only 58 walks. He has 2.24 career ERA, with a career .959 strikeouts per innings pitched. Kenny has been able to come into the game in any situation because he is one of the most committed players on the team, that has led to multiple spot starts, and 4 career saves. He has appeared in 43 games on the mound and even has 18 ABs, 1 one hit, four walks in 21 career games in the batter’s box. He also destroyed our team ball bucket after one of his five career strikeouts. He does it all.

But what makes Kenny special is his willingness to do whatever the team needs. He’s the best teammate, and competitor. He truly wants the ball. We are all inspired by Kenny because he has that ‘never say die’ attitude.

He was on Babson’s varsity roster for two seasons before joining the Babson Club Baseball team. The varsity coaching staff didn’t think Kenny had what it took, and instead he dominated the club level for two seasons, never looking back. And after two straight seasons in the Yawkey of sub 2.00 ERAs, we know Kenny has earned all the respect he needs. (courtesy of Nick Vennochi)

Nickname: Kenny

Position(s): Pitcher

Bats/Throws: R/R

Club(s) Played for in YBL: Medford/Malden Maddogs

Where did you grow up? Martha’s Vineyard, MA

Where do you live now? Medford, MA

When is your birthday? August 25th. Same as Blake Lively. She hasn’t responded to any of the birthday cards I send her. Fingers crossed this is the year.

Where did you go to college? Babson College

What do you do for a living? Financial Analyst

If you played pro ball, where have you played, and what was the most interesting city you called home? Still waiting to hear my name called on draft day. All scout inquiries can get directed through @MaldenMaddogs on the twitter.

What baseball awards / honors have you won in your life? New England Club Baseball Association Northwest Divison MVP 2011 aka Club Baseball Hero.

Do you coach/play anywhere outside the YBL? Where? Emerson College w/ Coach V

Been part of any championship teams prior to / outside of the YBL? NEWMAC tournament champions in 2009  at Babson. Aiz gutted out 158 pitches to upset EConn in the 1-8 matchup at the NE Regional.

What years have you been an All-Star in the YBL? 2014. Fenway was awesome.

Favorite MLB player(s) of all time? Pedro Martinez. Present-day favorite is Bryce Harper #MakeBaseballFunAgain

What are the three best movies you’ve seen in the last year? Haven’t seen a great new movie in a while. The Martian wasn’t bad. Daddy’s Home was trash. Will Ferrell must have left all his talent in the Ashley Schaeffer wig.  

What concerts have you been to in the last year? Does hearing Coach V quote Drake lyrics every Tuesday count? If so, that.

You’re on your way to a game, what are you listening to in order to get hyped? Stone Cold Steve Austin’s entrance music on repeat. And that’s the bottom line.

Read any good books lately? The Rap Year-Book by Shea Serrano is great. Funny commentary and great artwork.

What are your 3 favorite shows right now? Bob’s Burgers is hilarious. I just found out about Chopped thanks to Jed Drake, so I’m on a big Food Network kick right now. And Cops. You can never watch too much Cops.

What is the best trip you’ve ever taken? I went to Vegas last year and our flight got diverted to Palm Beach, CA due to weather so we had to rent a car and drive 4 hours through the desert to get to Vegas. After being up for almost 24 straight hours, the feeling when we drove up and could see the lights of the strip made it all worth it.

Who is the most underrated player on your team? Lopes. Not in the sense that people aren’t aware of his talent and stats, but the way he manages the pitching staff and is a real team leader might go unnoticed by outsiders.

Who else on your team would make for an interesting interview? Maybe Rayner? Better yet just interview the whole Goon Squad as a unit – that’d be one helluva read.

Who have you most looked up to in the YBL? The original Dogs that I’ve gotten to play with – Sabs, T, Buddy – guys that understand the game and have fun with it.

Who is the toughest pitcher to face in the YBL? They don’t let me hit anymore. Probably safer that way, otherwise it’s just weak infield contact and nobody needs to see that.

Who is the toughest hitter to face in the YBL? Teddy Dziuba. Always finds a way to turn one around. Gotta be that Babson education.

What was the most exciting moment you’ve had in the YBL? Fenway in 2014 was great. Been a part of some wild walk-offs the past few years which are always good for a rush. Dogs may be down, but never out.

What are your hobbies/passions outside of baseball? Baseball is a lot of my free time right now between playing and coaching, but I try to fill the rest of it with family and friends.

What was the greatest accomplishment in your life? Graduating college is probably the biggest to date. Looking forward to what’s on the horizon.

Who is the most influential person(s) in your life? Definitely my Mother and Father. Been through it all and supported since Day 1.

Do you have any pets? None currently. Hoping to add a team mascot in the future.

How does your significant other handle your baseball habit? She’s always been supportive and knows how much staying with the game means to me.

Tell me something about you that people wouldn’t know. Not much left after this interview – I’ve probably said too much already. Gotta keep a little mystery.

What drives you to keep playing ball every summer? The boys. And all the new merch (obviously).

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Player Profile: Alex Wong (Revere Rockies #5)

wong profile pic

In three years as a member of the Rockies, Alex has become an integral member of the ball club via his ability to provide an offensive spark as well as shut down an opponent on the mound.  A .341 hitter over that time, his 46 RBIs and 22 Stolen Bases would stand to be even better except that he takes every 5th day off at the plate.  And for good reason; his 9 wins and 1.63 ERA in 90 innings over that same time are an equally important part of Revere’s success. (courtesy of Nate Laliberte)

Alex has already started off the 2016 campaign with a win on the mound over the Saints in the season opener, promptly followed by a 2-HR game against the Dodgers the following day. Meet Alex, the Bartolo Colon of the Yawkey Baseball League…..


Nickname: Al, Albert

Position(s): RF, P

Bats/Throws: L/L

Club(s) Played for in YBL: Revere Rockies 2013-present

Where did you grow up? Lewiston, ME

Where do you live now? Waltham, MA

When is your birthday? July 10, 1991

Where did you go to college? Wentworth Institute of Technology, Class of 2013

What do you do for a living? BIM Manager at Commodore Builders

What baseball awards / honors have you won in your life? 2008 and 2009 All-KVAC 1st Team; 2011 American Legion State of Maine MVP; 2012 1st team All-CCC as an outfielder; 2012 2nd team All-CCC as a pitcher

Been part of any championship teams prior to / outside of the YBL? 2011 American Legion State of Maine Champions

What years have you been an All-Star in the YBL? 2013, 2014, 2015.

Favorite MLB player(s) of all time? Nomar Garciaparra

What are the three best movies you’ve seen in the last year? Star Wars: The Force Awakens; The Revenant; Jurassic World

What concerts have you been to in the last year? Don’t like concerts

You’re on your way to a game, what are you listening to in order to get hyped? EDM (Electronic Dance Music)

Read any good books lately? The International Building Code (this is sarcastic)

What are your 3 favorite shows right now? Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, The Office

What is the best trip you’ve ever taken? Edinburgh, Scotland

Who is the most underrated player on your team? Kyle Rufo

Who else on your team would make for an interesting interview? Sean Glavin

Who have you most looked up to in the YBL? Chris Santosuosso and Adam Del Rio. Have been huge mentors for me in my prime baseball years.

Who is the toughest pitcher to face in the YBL? Jeff Allison

Who is the toughest hitter to face in the YBL? James Katsiroubas

What was the most exciting moment you’ve had in the YBL? 2015 Playoff series against A’s

What are your hobbies/passions outside of baseball? Cooking, Golf, Madden (I accept any and all challenges) Architectural drawing/modeling (I am available for anyone looking for some design input!), Company softball team

What was the greatest accomplishment in your life? Legion State Championship is definitely up there; along with graduating college

Who is the most influential person(s) in your life? Mom and Dad

Do you have any pets? 1 black cat

How does your significant other handle your baseball habit? Very few complaints

Tell me something about you that people wouldn’t know. Even though I do everything left-handed, I write with my right hand because my Mom made me when I was a kid.

What drives you to keep playing ball every summer? A love for the game, but recently more so for the baseball family I have become a part of.

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Player Profile: Anthony Del Prete (Somerville Alibrandis #55)


In 2004, Anthony ‘Deli’ Del Prete graduated from Suffolk University and embarked on a baseball career with stints in the Great Lakes Summer League, the CanAm League and the Frontier League, as well as professional stops in Belgium, Cuba and Australia. After hanging up his professional cleats, Deli took over as an Assistant Coach for his alma mater’s baseball program for over 10 years before being named the Associate Head Coach in 2014 and then Head Baseball Coach starting in 2015 (not for nothing, Deli took the team to their 5th GNAC Championship in his inaugural season). Additionally, he has served at Suffolk as the Sports Information Director since 2008 and as an advisory member for the school’s athletic review committee since 2014.

Nowadays, Deli continues to play the game he loves, pitching for the Somerville Alibrandis of the YBL as well as the Bombers on the MSBL 28+ league. And regardless of what comes up when you google his name, Deli can still be found pitching and coaching at a number of fields, typically surrounded by a pile of empty Mountain Dew bottles and pizza boxes. Meet Deli…..


Nickname: Deli
Position(s): RHP
Bats/Throws: R/R
Club(s) Played for in YBL: Somerville Alibrandis
Where did you grow up? East Boston, MA
Where do you live now? East Boston, MA
When is your birthday? June 24– feel free to send a card
Where did you go to college? Suffolk University
What do you do for a living? Head Baseball Coach/Associate Director of Athletics, Suffolk University


If you played pro ball, where have you played? Evansville Otters (Frontier League), North Shore Spirit (CanAm League), Melville Braves (Perth/Western Australian State League)
What baseball awards / honors have you won in your life? GNAC Coach of the Year (2016), GNAC Pitcher of the Year (2002), GNAC Tournament MVP (2002), NEIBA All-Region (2002)
Where do you coach/play outside the YBL? Boston Bombers MABL +28
Been part of any championship teams prior to / outside of the YBL? Boston Bombers (2015), Suffolk University (2002, 2005, 2009, 2015, 2016) East Boston Little League White Sox (1993, 1994)
What years have you been an All-Star in the YBL? 0. Bernie keeps snubbing me
Favorite MLB player of all time? Roger Clemens
What are the three best movies you’ve seen in the last year? Haven’t watched any movies in the past year. Big Blacklist guy though and Billions on Showtime was good
What concerts have you been to in the last year? None…still waiting for Tool to come back around
You’re on your way to a game, what are you listening to in order to get hyped? Kenny Powers: You’re F*ing Out, I’m F*ing In
Read any good books lately? Ron Polk’s The Baseball Playbook
What are your 3 favorite shows right now? Seinfeld (still), The Blacklist, Monday Night Raw
What is the best trip you’ve ever taken? Cuba (twice)
Who is the most underrated player on your team? Mark Addesa – always plays big in the biggest games
Who else on your team would make for an interesting interview? Bobby Barrett
Who have you most looked up to in the YBL? Stan DeMartinis
Who is the toughest pitcher to face in the YBL? I couldn’t hit water if I fell out of a boat so this answer is irrelevant
Who is the toughest hitter to face in the YBL? Teddy Dziuba – whole reason why I jumped ship to Somerville, so I wouldn’t have to face him. He owned me in college (just ask him, I’m sure he would love to talk about himself)
What was the most exciting moment you’ve had in the YBL? Talking an annual prom picture with Cam Lynch after winning a championship or reading Chris Dion’s facebook statuses after he loses
What are your hobbies/passions outside of baseball? There are things to do outside of baseball?
What was the greatest accomplishment in your life? Still looking to improve and be better everyday
Who is the most influential person(s) in your life? My father
Do you have any pets? My girlfriend Amy has a dog (Kenton) if that counts
How does your significant other handle your baseball habit? I think she knows it keeps me sane.
Tell me something about you that people wouldn’t know. Mike Maguire and I once discussed a domestic partnership – only for tax purposes though
What drives you to keep playing ball every summer? The camaraderie of my teammates

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Player Profile: Ryan Bere (Brighton Minutemen #3)

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Ryan Bere is the Kevin Bacon of the Yawkey Baseball League.  Scanning his career stats on .400 Hitter, you quickly realize that every amateur baseball player in the greater Boston area is within 6 degrees of separation from Ryan and the many teams/ballplayers he has played both with and against.  As a jack of all trades who can play literally any position, Ryan has slugged 200 hits in his illustrious career playing for the likes of the Brighton Minutemen & Chelsea Cyclones of the YBL, as well as the Orioles, Blue Jays, and Cutters of the Boston MABL, and Royals of the MWABL.  As if playing for 5 teams in a calendar year wasn’t enough baseball, Ryan is also one of only a handful of “Iron Men” who play every inning of the annual “100 Innings of Baseball Spectacular” which has raised over $600,000 for ALS research since its inception.

A baseball-aholic if there ever was one…get to know Ryan Bere of the Brighton Minutemen:


Nickname:  Ryno

Position(s): Super Utility, literally have played every position for every team I’ve been apart of.  Best position is 3B or SS

Bats/Throws: Left/right

Club(s) Played for in YBL: Winter Hill Cyclones-2010;  Brighton Minutemen: 2012-present

Where did you grow up: Belmont,MA

Where do you live now: Belmont,MA

Where did you go to college: Rhode Island College

Birthday: 4/29/86

Do you coach anywhere outside the YBL?  Coached in the MABL from 2009-2013; Asst. Coach for Dirt Dawgs 14U AAU Softball

Awards/Accolades: 2010 Manager of the Year in the MABL

What do you do for a living?  Store Manager for Olympia Sports

Been part of any championship teams prior to / outside of the YBL?  2010 MABL Blue Jays

Favorite MLB position player of all time: Ken Griffey Jr

Favorite MLB pitcher of all time: Nolan Ryan

What are the three best movies you’ve seen in the last year?  Lone Survivor, Captain American Winter Soldier, Captain Phillips

Who is the most underrated player on the Minutemen? Kevin Loveless – he’s got some good stuff on the mound.  He always seems to keep the game close for us when he takes the hill.

Who else on the Minutemen would make for an interesting interview? Steve Walsh – he always has something to say.

Who have you most looked up to in the YBL? Rob Linn – he has been in the league for a while and goes about the game the right way.  One of the best clutch hitters I’ve played with.

Who is the toughest pitcher to face in the YBL? JT Ross of the Black Sox – I literally strike out every time against him.

Who is the toughest hitter to face in the YBL? Marc DesRoches – he can hit to all fields and always is a tough out.

What was the most exciting moment you’ve had in the YBL? A game last year against South End, I pitched in relief.  I went from getting a potential save to almost getting a loss, and finally our team pulling it out and I got the win.  Since that will probably never happen again I’ll always remember it.

How would you improve the YBL? I think it is run pretty smoothly compared to some of the other leagues I play in.

What are your hobbies/passions outside of baseball? Big into fantasy football and spending time with family/friends.

What was the greatest accomplishment in your life? I coached my MABL squad to the 2010 championship and also getting to interview Cal Ripken Jr.

Who is the most influential person(s) in your life? My parents and my grandfather.  My dad was a big influence in the way I play, always taught me that hard work and dedication will always pay off.

Tell me something about you that people wouldn’t know: I can throw a perfect spiral with either hand.

How does your significant other handle your baseball habit? She handles it great.  She is always trying to make as many games as possible.  Very understanding about my love of baseball, since she has a love of the game as well.

What drives you to keep playing ball every summer? I love the game and wouldn’t know what to do with my summers if I didn’t play.  I’ve been playing since I was little (haven’t grown much since then either) and don’t see that changing until I can’t swing a bat or field a ball.


Predictions for the 2014 YBL Playoffs:  Somerville – have to go with the team that knows how to win the big games.

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